Just When You Thought It Was Safe - EntiTy Returns
by Nic Plum on Wednesday 13 March, 2013 - 21:33 GMT
Posted in Architecture Framework • TRAK
Tags: safety • security • sourceforge • trak • working group
Sorry for the awful pun…
A small band of happy volunteers have been musing over possible extensions to TRAK to provide viewpoints that address typical safety and security concerns. As part of the ongoing activity a candidate set of concepts / entities for the TRAK metamodel have been described in a short document together with some of the backgrounds from which they arise. This has been published and comment / discussion is being encouraged on the forum on the TRAK Viewpoints project on Sourceforge. If you have any views on the candidate entities please post them there.
There will be other follow-on documents soon:
- a definition of the candidate relationships that knit these entities together and to the residual TRAK metamodel
- a definition of the candidate viewpoints (ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 terminology) against which views are prepared that use the candidate and existing parts of the metamodel
There will then follow a testing phase to ensure that what is proposed is usable, easily understood, pragmatic and of utility (fit for purpose - but no more than necessary as we don’t want perfection at the expense of usability) for jobbing engineers and those who need to be able to read and understand the products and who aren’t in any technical priesthood. If anyone wishes to help in this testing phase can they please make contact either via this site or the Sourceforge discussion forum for the Safety and Security Working Group.
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