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Thoughts - “The TRAK Enterprise”

by Nic Plum on Saturday 02 January, 2010 - 12:11 GMT

Posted in Architecture FrameworkTRAK

Tags: boundaryconceptcv01enterpriseperspectivetrak

This article presents some musings on how TRAK as an enterprise might be represented and how it might work. Needless to say there is an architecture description underpinning this!

  • Capability Perspective - what are the likely goals?
  • Concept Perspective - logical needs, connectivity & exchanges
  • Solution Perspective - aspects of a possible solution

Concept Perspective

What Does the TRAK Enterprise Consist of - Conceptually?

If TRAK is considered to be a standard then what would we need to maintain it, what would would we need to support the users (architects, tool vendors, browsers etc) and how does it fit together? Indeed where does it stop and something else start i.e. what is the boundary of the ‘TRAK Enterprise’ "system"?

Fig. 1 - CV-01 The Needs of "The TRAK Enterprise"

Figure 1, TRAK::CV-01 - The Needs of "The TRAK Enterprise", attempts to show a boundary - light blue background - within which the ‘TRAK Enterprise’ might exist and logically how it depends on things outside the boundary (and vice versa).

The logical things inside the ‘TRAK Enterprise’ boundary listed below in Table 1.

Table 1 - ‘TRAK Enterprise’ Logical Parts

TRAK Enterprise

Logical Part


Community Self-Support

The parts that enable the TRAK wikitecture/architectural community to help each other and enable interaction with framework definition, products etc.

Framework Definition Store

The definition of TRAK that is exposed and which can be interacted with. This includes the metamodel and specification of views.

Support Tracker

A means of systematically capturing bugs, support requests and feature requests in relation to TRAK i.e. metamodel, viewpoints, products/templates in a way that allows the response to be open, visible and linked to the original request or problem.

TRAK Body of Knowledge

The store, means of capturing use of TRAK advice / problem solving tailored templates application of TRAK products academic / public papers case studies links to external sources of information

Wikitecture Glueware

The wikitecture components that are necessary to enable models to integrate, be exchanged  and be understood

Wikitecture Model Repository

A public / shareable repository of TRAK models / fragments.


The logical things outside the ‘TRAK Enterprise’ boundary are listed below in Table 2.

Table 2 - Logical Things Outside ‘TRAK Enterprise’ with which there is a Need

External to the TRAK Enterprise (=“Residual World”)

Logical Part


Professional Bodies

Often technical, the professional discipline or functional expertise bodies whose members are affected by TRAK

Architecture Browsers

The organisations and people that browse, consume or need to be able to understand the models and other architectural products.

Often from other domains, not technical and probably key drivers in the user-interface of TRAK and communication-effectiveness.-interface of TRAK and communication-effectiveness.

TRAK Modelling Tools

The tools that implement or use TRAK or produce TRAK-compliant architectural products.

Framework Developers

The community co-ordinating and involved in the development of TRAK metamodel and viewpoints

Tool Vendors

Companies that provide or develop modelling tools that are relevant to TRAK

Of course this isn’t quite right yet as it should also include ‘Training Providers’. This is one of the points of modelling and trying to draw something visually - it slows you down and forces you to think. The metamodel provides the skeleton upon which you hang your ideas and it also provides a sort of filter to view the real world and tease of the types of thig it consists of.

Anyway, more to follow as the thoughts unfold ....


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