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TRAK Receives an INCOSE 2010 Working Group Award
by Nic Plum on Wednesday 13 April, 2011 - 14:56 GMT
Posted in Architecture Framework • TRAK • News
Tags: award • event • incose • london • systems engineering • team
TRAK benefits from a lot of effort put in by a group of people who do this because they believe in it and have the motivation to get stuck in. A lot of this is invisible behind the scenes work and it is all unpaid. I can’t deny that it is nice, however, when this effort is recognised. It was therefore a pleasant surprise when an email popped up with a screenshot of an INCOSE working group award.
To put this in some context, INCOSE state:
The Working Group Awards and Recognition Program rewards efforts and achievements by individual or multiple Working Groups in support of INCOSE’s mission. By focusing on the Working Groups, it specifically recognises team effort. It does not replace existing awards, such as Service Awards.
All Working Groups that have approved charters under Technical Operations are eligible to receive awards under the Working Group Awards and Recognition Program. Not all awards are awarded every year. The Awards recognise exemplary Working Group activities in specific areas:
and it is in the following context that TRAK received the award:
Achieving the Systems Engineering Vision award is presented to the Working Group that has made the most significant contribution toward achieving the Systems Engineering Vision 2020.
Kuldeep, Colin and I received the award on behalf of TRAK at a Railway Interest Group (RIG) meeting in London, collecting it from the president-elect of INCOSE, John Thomas on his recent trip to the UK.
Presentation of INCOSE 2010 Working Group Award to TRAK by John Thomas (president elect for INCOSE) at LU Headquarters. (Photograph © London Underground Ltd 2011)
TRAK has always been about more than just the definition of a general purpose enterprise architecture framework - it’s as much about how it’s released and managed and maintained throughout its life and the interface and dynamics presented to users in doing so. We try hard to do this using in the way that you’d specify and manage any system so it’s doubly-nice to get recognition from the professional body that represents systems engineering.
The keener eyed will spot some advice being given from the INCOSE UK Architecture Working Group via feature and bug requests at the Sourceforge sites through which TRAK is released. I should stress that we’re always keen to encourage input and interaction from anyone - you don’t have to be part of a company or large organisation.
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