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Integrated EA 2011 - Draft Programme Released

by Nic Plum on Sunday 21 November, 2010 - 13:27 GMT

Posted in Architecture FrameworkDODAFMODAFNAFTRAKNews

Tags: conferenceintegrated ealondon

Integrated EA logo

A list of the presentations/topics and speakers has been released for Integrated EA 2011 to be held on 1st and 2nd March 2011 in London.

The list from the Integrated EA site -

Tuesday, 1st March 2011

KEYNOTE Air Commodore Mark Neal

EA on the front-line – Support to Op Herrick
Matthew Rapier, Enterprise Architect, VEGA

Enterprise Architecture: Generating the European conversation
Steve Pybus, CEng MIET, Manager Roadmap & Strategic Planning, NATS
Allen Clarke, CEng MBCS, Senior Enterprise Architect, NATS

Enterprise architecture beyond IT: An Australian view
Tom Graves, Principal Consultant, Tetradian Consulting

Leveraging DoDAF 2.0 in the DoD Enterprise
Michael Wayson, Architecture and Infrastructure Directorate, OASD (NII) / DoD CIO
Dave McDaniel, Silver Bullet Solutions, Inc

System of Systems Challenges in the Capability Lifecycle – a Joint MoD/Industry Enterprise Approach
Malcolm Touchin, Principal Consultant, SEIC
David Camm, Deputy Head, Engineering, UK MOD SEIG

Schemas, Categories and Perspectives. What Psychology can bring to Enterprise Architecture
Colonel Luigi Gregori, MOD CIO Deputy Head (Policy)
Kathryn Pimblett. Psychologist, DSTL

Panel Session

Drinks Reception

Wednesday, 2nd March 2011

KEYNOTE Brigadier Alan Clacher

Comparing EA in Defence and Financial Services
Neil Peachey, Independent Enterprise Architecture Consultant

Panel Session: Governance: Getting the Policy Balance Right
Mikael Hagenbo, Head of Architecture, Swedish Armed Forces (moderator)
Steve Winter, Chief Technologist & Strategic Advisor, NATS
Neil Peachey, Independent Enterprise Architecture Consultant
Representative from Vega

Title to be confirmed
Duncan Kemp, Lead Systems Engineer, Transport for London

EA for Unity of Defence Vision and Action
Robert Damashek, Chief Architect, Binary Group

What is a service? A forensic approach to developing a common understanding of Service across business and IT.
Chris Partridge, Chief Ontologist, BORO Solutions Limited

Managing risk and cost with an EA approach
Dr Joe Silmon, Centre for Railway Research and Education, University of Birmingham
Dr Mike Brownsword, Consulting Engineer, ATEGO

As ever it looks to be a varied and lively selection of topics. A lot of different architecture frameworks being represented - obviously MODAF and DODAF have featured many times over the history of this conference but it looks as though TRAK will be covered from a customer perspective by Duncan Kemp of the Department for Transport and from industry and academia by Joe Silmon and Mike Brownsword. Interesting also to see that Tom Graves of Tetradian has managed to sneak in - always worth listening to in his efforts to try and get enterprise architecture to be broader than its traditional IT-centric beginnings.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the ‘SoS’ term in the presentation from the SEIG is an appropriate reference to things that are unique to an arrangement of systems rather than to the more general ‘system’.

Should be well worth going to.

Anyone willing to share what they’re looking forwards to or hoping to get out of this conference?



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    1 Week Extension to Deadline for Submissions for Integrated EA 2011

    by Nic Plum on Friday 17 September, 2010 - 16:39 GMT

    Posted in Architecture FrameworkDNDAFDODAFMODAFNAFTRAKNews

    Tags: committeeconferenceintegrated ealondon

    Posted on LinkedIn - an extension to the deadline for the Integrated EA Conference 2011:

    We have had a number of people requesting an extension on the deadline to submit papers for the conference. With this in mind and in the interest of fairness we have decided to extend the deadline by one week for all. Therefore please ensure we receive your papers by Friday 24th September 2010.

    To find out how to submit, key themes and for a full timetable please visit the conference website

    Please direct any queries to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).


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      Integrated EA Conference 2011 - Call for Presentations

      by Nic Plum on Friday 20 August, 2010 - 00:33 GMT

      Posted in Architecture FrameworkDNDAFDODAFMODAFNAFTRAKNews

      Tags: committeeconferenceintegrated ealondon

      A tweet refers to the Integrated EA website reminding folks to get papers in for the Integrated EA 2011 conference:

      The call for presentations is now out. The key themes for IEA 2011 are:

      • Practical success stories
      • New and innovative approaches
      • Expectations and experiences from a business perspective
      • Making the most of EA modelling tools
      • Enterprise Ontologies
      • Managing risk and cost with an EA approach
      • International updates
      • EA in business change programmes
      • EA Standards
      • Best practice from industries other than defence and Government

      How to submit:

      Submissions should be emailed to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) in the following format:

      • Session Title
      • 3-5 short bullet points (one or two sentences each) outlining key themes of paper/presentation
      • Name(s), job title(s), organisation(s) of presenters
      • Written synopsis or paper/presentation (no more than 750 words)
      • Full contact details of main contact including email and telephone.

      Programme Committee

      All submissions will be considered by the conference programme committee. The organisers reserve the right to overrule a decision of the programme committee in order to provide a balanced set of topics, and to invite other speakers where necessary to balance the programme. The confirmed members of the IEA2011 programme committee are:

      • Bob Barton, Managing Director, NITEworks
      • Chief Systems Engineer, GCHQ
      • Dave Chesebrough, President, Association for Enterprise Information
      • Björn Conway, Partner, Ernst & Young Defence Practice
      • Patrick Gorman, Asst Head (EA), MOD CIO Office
      • Alan Harding, Chief Systems Engineer, Capability Development, BAE Systems
      • Colonel Luigi Gregori, Deputy Head (EA), MOD CIO Office
      • Sue McCahy, ICG, CSD Applications, MOD
      • Steve Winter, CTO & Strategy Advisor, NATS
      • John Zachman, Zachman International


      Submissions should be received by no later than: Friday 17th September 2010
      Notifications of acceptance or otherwise will be sent out by: 8th October 2010
      Finalised presentation (Microsoft presentations preferred) will need to be submitted by no later than: 18th February 2011

      Please direct any queries to Penny Creed at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

      Best get your skates on if thinking about submitting a paper!


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