View Model Repository Organisation


Why Organise?

A repository can contain anything from a handful to thousands of architectural models. It therefore represents a significant investment in time and money. With typical modelling tools the underlying repository will be some form of DBMS so why bother organising at all - why not rely on searches?

  • visibility. Having to search every time is an overhead. It is much easier and less prone to error. You can’t use searches to tell you where to save something.
  • affordance. Having a structure that is organised around a consistent set of principles means that users have an expectation of where they might find elements or views and where they should save them. It is also important if the repository is exported as a document or web site that there is an understandable organisation structure otherwise the reader will not be able to form a mental model of how it fits together.
  • avoidance of errors. Errors will occur if elements or views are saved to inconsistent locations, for example, views or elements may be inadvertently exported or published.

General Organisation Principles

The physical organisation of the repository is usually along the lines of the organisation of the framework itself - the grouping of views and the metamodel.

Note that temporary re-organisation might be needed when publishing or when exporting a part of the repository.

Framework-Specific Organisation Principles

TRAK:TRAK Repository Organisation Principles

Category:Model -> Organisation



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