View TRAK:TRAK Tool Support - Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect
Methods of Implementing TRAK
Sparx EA supports TRAK through the following mechanisms:
- UML Profile for TRAK
- MDG Technology for TRAK
UML Profile for TRAK
The vanilla
UML profile for TRAK can be loaded into Sparx EA by switching to the Resources pane, selecting UML Profiles and then right-clicking to obtain the Load UML Profile
menu option.
The UML profile for TRAK is at
MDG Technology for TRAK
This is a custom built plugin that is placed in a directory. On start-up Sparx EA loads the plugin which then provides the ability to create TRAK views, provides a palette of TRAK objects and relationships for the view selected and context-sensitive relationship creation amongst other things.
The MDG Technology for TRAK is located at
It is loaded by
- place the plugin and accompanying model template into a folder of your choice
- tell Sparx EA where this folder is using Settings | MDG Technologies and then if necessary Advanced and Add Folder
- enabling the plugin (again Settings | MDG Technologies)
- restarting Sparx EA
Instructions for the plugin are at
Supported TRAK Architecture Views
The following TRAK Architecture Views are supported to the extent indicated below:
- EV-01 Enterprise Goals
- Supported as connected blocks.
- Supported as connected blocks.
- EV-03 Capability Phasing
- Supported as connected blocks.
- Supported as UML sequence, collaboration diagrams. Also possible to create a custom SQL query to provide a tabular representation and use the output from the Search pane (subject to the limitations below).
CV-04 Concept Activity to Capability Mapping
- Supported as connected blocks and using a matrix diagram.
- Supported as connected blocks.
- Supported as UML sequence, activity, collaboration diagrams.
- Supported as connected blocks.
- Supported as connected blocks. No means to produce a Gantt representation.
PrV-03 Procurement Responsibility
- Supported as connected blocks.
- Supported as connected blocks.
SV-02 Solution Resource Interaction
- Supported as connected blocks.
SV-03 Solution Resource Interaction to Function Mapping
- UML limitation. No easy means using a conventional diagram to tie Resource Interaction, a graphic path, to Function, a graphic object. The nearest equivalent would be via a custom SQL query and taking the results of the Search pane (but see limitations below).
- Supported as connected blocks.
SV-05 Solution Function to Concept Activity Mapping
- Supported as connected blocks and using a matrix diagram.
- Supported as connected blocks.
- Supported as UML sequence, collaboration diagrams.
MV-01 Architecture Description Dictionary
- Script provided to execute Custom SQL query to dump out the definition/description of each model element (subject to the limitations identified below). The definitions can then be embedded into a TRAK::Document placed on the MV-01 View if necessary.
MV-02 Architecture Design Description Record
- Supported as connected blocks.
MV-03 Requirements & Standards
- Supported as connected blocks.
Sparx EA Limitations wrt TRAK
The known limitations of Sparx EA are:
- searches cannot be saved as CSV (only matrix diagrams). This means that more complicated tabular views based on custom SQL queries have to be cut and pasted into a document which can produce format artefacts. A CSV export can be used via MS Word or Open Office etc to create a table.
- mdgfortrak - Sourceforge project site
- Case Study - Presentation: Implementing TRAK for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect (Slideshare).
- Case Study - Document: Implementing TRAK for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect (Slideshare).
Category:Tool -> Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect