View TRAK:TRAK Consistency Rules
Consistent architecture is a big goal in architectural modelling.
It applies in different ways:
- consistency of meaning (the semantics - using the same elements to mean the same things)
- consistency of representation (consistent modelling) - using sets of elements in the same way to represent a real world situation (modelling is creative and there are often several ways of representing a situation). There will always be house styles.
- consistent model organisation - if model elements are in unexpected places it makes it harder to share externally
- consistent presentation - if views are to be presented to a wide audience this can be important
TRAK adopts the recommendations of ISO/IEC 42010 which has 2 main mechanisms through the use of Architecture Viewpoint and the idea of correspondence rules.
Consistency Mechanisms in TRAK
TRAK has the following consistency mechanisms:
- TRAK metamodel - allowed objects and relationships between them
- TRAK Viewpoints - scope, purpose, allowed architecture description tuples and correspondence rules between views
- Master Architecture Views - defines source view for each metamodel stereotype used in an architecture description. These ensure that each metamodel element is declared in the appropriate view within an AD. This gives rise to minimum architecture view sets.
- TRAK Bye Laws - define overall architecture rules for metamodel, viewpoint and architectural description
- TRAK Enterprise Architecture Framework.
- TRAK Enterprise Architecture Framework. Viewpoints
- TRAK Enterprise Architecture Framework. Metamodel
Category:Architecture Modelling -> Consistency