<<hasPart>> relationships |
Posted: 02 June 2010 05:13 PM |
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Joined 2010-02-04
I’m a bit puzzled by the direction of the <<hasPart>> relationship that’s created using the QuickLink for Concept Activities and Resources.
If I drag the QuickLink from A onto B, then I get a relationship with B as the source and A as the target, whereas intuitively I would expect the reverse.
Of course, the situation isn’t helped by the fact that EA by default draws the relationship “backwards”, with the diamond at the child/target end, so that combined with the above the relationship looks correct. However, EA’s default can be reversed by checking “Draw Aggregations Reversed” in the Tools->Options->Links option dialogue.
Any help appreciated!
(using MDG 104)
Posted: 02 June 2010 05:24 PM |
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[ # 1 ]
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Hi, Andy
The default used by EA is probably the common way for ‘softies’ It isn’t, however, intuitive for us normal folk. I’ve tried as far as possible to reflect the direction of the relationship reading i.e if you drag from A to B wanting to express A [has some relationship on] B then this is what Quicklink should do.
Does this happen with a particular view type? The quicklink behaviour depends not only on the source and target object types but on the view type as well. If this is inconsistent with the behaviour of the same relationship in other views then it’d make sense to raise this as a bug in the tracker on MDG for TRAK site on Sourceforge as this can then be dealt with systematically and referred to explicitly in the release notes (trying to do everything properly!). In the meantime I’ll have a look within EA myself although realistically this will be tomorrow.
Posted: 02 June 2010 05:35 PM |
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[ # 2 ]
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As a softie myself, I’ve always drawn aggregations with the diamond at the parent end!
I’ve not seen any inconsistencies in behaviour between views, although I’ve only made these links in OV-04, OV-05, SV-04 and SV-01 diagrams.
All the best
Posted: 02 June 2010 05:43 PM |
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[ # 3 ]
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The sense is different. The diamond is taken to be the equivalent of an arrow and I think the sense of the unmodified relationship is ‘is a part of’ rather than our ‘has part’ i.e. if I want for HF reasons to say A has part B then it makes sense to me to draw from A to B. If you did this without the TRAK MDG plugin EA would, like most tools, create a relationship A is part of B. As we don’t have ‘is part of’ it made sense to change this.
This is why it is different because for every other metamodel relationship you drag in the direction of the relationship reading direction.
Is this what the problem is?
Posted: 03 June 2010 02:07 PM |
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[ # 4 ]
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Andy Pryor - 02 June 2010 05:13 PM Hi
(using MDG 104)
Andy - missed this yesterday. We are currently at release 0.105 and, shortly, in response to the bugs reported by Joe on the Sourceforge site, will move to 0.106.
There are significant changes between 0.104 and 0.105, the most important being the changes to the names of the old Capability (now Enterprise) Perspective and old Operational (now Concept) to try and minimise confusion [in the long term]. It also renames the old Operational Activity to Concept Activity. I have a script to rename any Operational Activity objects.
Let me know if you need anything.
Posted: 21 June 2010 12:25 PM |
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[ # 5 ]
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Sorry for the prolonged silence—just returned from holiday…
Thanks for the explanation of the “hasPart” issue—I now understand why you have implemented it the way you have.
I was aware of the significant change from 0.104 to 0.105, which is why I’ve delayed making the upgrade! However, the time has now come to upgrade to the latest MDG version (0.107 I believe).
Any scripts that you can let me have to simplify the upgrade would be more than welcome!
Posted: 21 June 2010 02:14 PM |
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[ # 6 ]
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That’s OK. Been (and continue to be) distracted myself - trying to add functionality wrt search and navigation to the blogs (Residual World and Model Registry). In fact the site is now at a level wrt number of bits of template, code, style sheets etc. that I’ve had to start mapping the dependencies/interactions between the bits to document how it works and help avoid doing something silly in the future.
I’ll dig out the script. Depending on how big your project gets it might be better at some point to attach a MySQL (or similar) backend to hold the project rather than the default JET DBMS as it make maintenance easier (just SQL scripts rather than having to wrap in VBScript, JScript et al). Also easier using standard SQL tool to then create/visualise searches and you can then dump the results as text directly into tables avoiding some of the workarounds I’ve had to put in the MDG to cope with EA not exporting custom views as CSV (not sure if EA 8 has improved this).
Posted: 29 June 2010 07:59 PM |
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[ # 7 ]
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Andy - I haven’t forgotten about the script to change/replace a stereotype.
I tested it under EA 8 and it doesn’t do what’s expected - no errors, states/reports changes to stereotype but nothing appears to change. I expect to get a response within the next 48 hours and will post it once I’m sure what’s going on!
Posted: 31 December 2011 09:05 PM |
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[ # 8 ]
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Andy Pryor - 21 June 2010 12:25 PM
Any scripts that you can let me have to simplify the upgrade would be more than welcome!
Andy - they’ve been a long time coming but to support the change of the case of stereotype and attribute names - see Use English (not Softese) for Names of Types & Relationships - ID: 3418285 I’ve developed a set of scripts that will shortly be released to support MDG for TRAK version 0.124.
These provide the ability to change (migrate) an existing EA project to the new definitions and also provide the ability to remove old and unnecessary tagged values that are nothing to do with TRAK itself but the modelling of it in Sparx EA.
Some fruits of this work are also being released via these forums - see TRAK Community:: Forums:: Tool Support - TRAK